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The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Bitrus Manjang (2002)
Peacemaker Killed

Three days before a thanksgiving service was due to take place in honour of the Reverend Bitrus Manjang, he was killed in an attack by Muslim extremists in the village of Rim, Plateau State, Nigeria, where he lived.

Ordained in 1969, Bitrus had taught for many years in the Church of Christ in Nigeria Bible School, becoming the vice president in 1992. Bitrus spent the final five years of his life working tirelessly for peace in the midst of sectarian fighting that was blighting the area. He housed Muslims who had been displaced by extremist violence, both in his own home and in the church in Rim. But his peace-making efforts did not save him and on 12 December 2002 he was shot dead outside his home along with his pregnant daughter-in-law, Victoria, and six-month-old grandson, Jessy. Bitrus’ son Dan described him as “a man of peace who was loved by all”.

As hundreds of Muslim extremists attacked Rim, these three were among 14 people who were killed with 20 more wounded; 70 houses were torched and many others were pulled down.

O Lord God, heavenly Father, who didst give up thine only-begotten Son into grief and sorrow, that we might have peace through him: grant us so surely to found our faith upon him alone that we may have peace in our souls. Quicken us with thy Word; grant already here on earth the peace which is a foretaste of the rest that remaineth for thy people. And while the cares and tumults of this life beset us round about, guide us in all our understandings by thy Holy Spirit, that we may abide in thy peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Swedish Liturgy