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Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Mehr Khan (1915)
Killed and Son Kidnapped

Mehr was in charge of a small Christian mission hospital in Thal (now part of Pakistan) near the border with Afghanistan when he was murdered by raiders who also kidnapped his young son. The hospital served the needs of the tribal people as well as Afghan patients who came from across the border in search of healing. Mehr was killed in March 1915, and his five-year-old son was carried off by the raiding party. Outwardly it appeared he had been attacked by the clan of a former watchman, whom he had had to dismiss for irregularities. However, when the raiders attacked they told Mehr that his life would be saved if he would say the Islamic creed. He refused to do this, and he died professing faith in Jesus Christ.

Because of pressure from the authorities, a tribal council (jirga) convicted the outlaws for this crime and enforced the release of the kidnapped son. The culprits were handed over to the British authorities and sent as prisoners to the Andaman Islands. The clan also had to pay some compensation to Mehr Khan’s heirs.

God you are with me and you can help me;
You were with me when I was taken, and you are with me now.
You strengthen me.

The God I serve is everywhere – in heaven and earth and the sea,
But he is above them all, for all live in him:
All were created by him, and by him only do they remain.

I will worship only the true God; you will I carry in my heart
No one on earth shall be able to separate me from you.

Quirinus of Siscia (martyred c. 308)