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The gospel must first be preached to all nations. Mark 13:10

Manuel (1999)
Gangster turned Evangelist

From a young age, Manuel and his brothers Caleb and Mario were members of illegal armed groups in the Colombian capital Bôgotá. They were endlessly in trouble with other gangs and the police. Then Manuel heard about Jesus Christ and soon gave his life to him, as too did his brothers. Their lives were suddenly transformed; from being hardcore gangsters they became ardent evangelists. Manuel would carry Bibles with him wherever he went and would keenly distribute them to his old gangland friends. Through this many came to know Jesus.

Manuel realised that his efforts to proclaim Jesus were not popular with the local gangland bosses. He received death threats on several occasions, but he remained faithful to the cause of Christ.

One night, in autumn 1999, several armed men visited Manuel’s home. They took him from his wife and seven children, who pleaded for mercy. Some of the children witnessed Manuel’s torture before he was driven away. Several hours later his body was recovered next to his Bible.

Thank you heavenly Father for the lands of Central and South America. Thank you for the Christians, like Manuel, who through hardship, poverty and tribulation have found you. Help the peoples of Latin America to discover you in the way Manuel did. Help them to enrich the human family in all ways which express your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.