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You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of human masters.

1 Corinthians 7:23 (NRSV)

Pastor Im (1951)
Defied Communists

When the Communists first took over South Korea they ordered pastors to include Marxist propaganda in their sermons. The Communists came to Pastor Im with the threat, “If you do not teach what we say you will die.”

Pastor Im refused and was taken to prison, where he was held for two years. During this time he recited Bible verses he had memorised. When the UN troops arrived in September 1950, they did not believe Pastor Im’s insistence that he was a Christian, and put him with the Communist prisoners. Pastor Im witnessed for Christ to his fellow inmates and saw many converted. The Americans finally realised Pastor Im was a Christian and allowed him to preach in prisons throughout South Korea, but he was never given his freedom. The inspiring evangelist died in prison in 1951.

O gracious and holy Father, give us wisdom to perceive thee, diligence to seek thee, patience to wait for thee, eyes to behold thee, a heart to meditate upon thee, and a life to proclaim thee; through the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Benedict (c. 480-550)